1.I fully expect that the Apache project will drive new innovations into Apache Geronimo at a very rapid pace over the next year or so.
2.Isn't it funny how computer skills, just like the computers themselves, evolve at such a rapid pace?
3.Since its inception, PDC has expanded at a rapid pace and is now a key department for delivery of banking systems within the HSBC Group.
4.12 years of steady and rapid pace of development, known as the candy industry, China's fastest-growing businesses.
5.Employers continue to slash jobs at a rapid pace, and economists expect severe job losses to continue at least into the summer.
6.From this point of view, flexo business card printing and membership card to make a more rapid pace of development of.
7.It's an obvious but true statement that software technology is advancing at a rapid pace, probably more rapidly than at any other time.
8.Such a rapid pace of expansion could not continue forever and this period is now clearly coming to an end .
9.Tablets are so new and their operating systems are changing at such a rapid pace, that the software developers are struggling to keep up.
10.So when it begins to turn back toward the Sun's vicinity after May 14, it will fade at a rather rapid pace.